
作者:Matt Overing


Centre College has been named as a Fulbright Top Producing institution, recognizing the College’s commitment to a global education and the high number of students selected for the Fulbright U.S. 学生项目.

由美国颁发.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Fulbright Top Producing institutions like Centre value global connection and support members of the campus community in their pursuit of international opportunities.

“我们真正相信bwin体育的全球学习方式, 这种认识反映了这一点,学院院长米尔顿. 信息会. “Our exceptional students consistently earn Fulbright recognition thanks to the outstanding staff and faculty support they receive in their time 在这里.”

bwin体育四名学生 were selected for Fulbright awards for the 2023-24 academic year — a number that Director of 奖学金 Robert Schalkoff said was impressive in number and percentage for the College.

“Centre's interdisciplinary approach to the liberal arts and sciences, along with our nationally recognized study abroad program provide our students with a unique combination of academic and co-curricular experiences that prepare them to be Fulbrighters,沙尔科夫说. “当然, our four recipients took full advantage of the opportunities they had at Centre and they went into the competition and then into their positions as ETAs ready for the roles they are currently playing.”

富布赖特项目是美国的一个项目.S. 政府旗舰国际学术交流项目. 自1946年以来, 富布赖特项目提供了400多个项目,000名有才华有成就的学生, bwin体育, 老师, artists and professionals of all backgrounds with the opportunity to study, 在国外进行教学和研究. 富布赖特交换思想, build people-to-people connections and work to address complex global challenges. 

“Centre students inspire me every day when they show up in my classrooms ready to challenge their assumptions and expand their critical inquiry,” said 2022-23 Fulbright adviser and 访问ing Assistant Professor Chelsea Cutright. “The students that I worked with on their Fulbright applications took these things to another level.

“I learned so much from them about the regions of the world they were interested in and how their unique life experiences impacted their current values and future goals. 他们对我非常坦诚, which is important because Fulbright really wants to know who they are and how their lives have led them to ‘being a Fulbrighter.’”

Schalkoff said the support system at Centre played a key role in students' Fulbright success. 

"I find myself very lucky to have worked with Assistant Professor Katrin Bahr and Cutright," he said. “他们的奉献,努力和能量帮助我们的明星发光." 

bwin体育为学生的学习生涯做准备, leadership and service — highly sought traits for the Fulbright Program and other prestigious national and global awards. The College’s national study abroad ranking — the second-highest study abroad participation rate in the U.S. — gives students the opportunity to study abroad in a variety of capacities.

Along with a robust study abroad program, Centre has made it a priority to expand opportunity and 奖学金资助第一代学生

“Fulbright’s Top Producing Institutions represent the diversity of America’s higher education community. Dedicated administrators support students and bwin体育 at these institutions to fulfill their potential and rise to address tomorrow’s global challenges. 我们祝贺他们, and all the Fulbrighters who are making an impact the world over,李·萨特菲尔德说, assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs.  

富布赖特是美国政府的一个项目.S. 在美国国务院的资助下.S. 政府. 与会政府和主办机构, corporations and foundations around the world also provide direct and indirect support to the Program. 

Fulbright alumni work to make a positive impact on their communities, sectors and the world and have included 41 heads of state or government, 62位诺贝尔奖得主, 89位普利策奖得主, 80位麦克阿瑟奖得主, and countless leaders and changemakers who build mutual understanding between the people of the United States and of other countries. 

了解更多关于富布赖特项目的信息, 在这里

Students interested in exploring the world of fellowships are encouraged to contact Robert Schalkoff at fellowships@yogaintheusa.com 开始谈论他们的目标和激情. The office also shares information via email about opportunities that are specific to class cohorts from first-year students to seniors.